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Please note the affiliate program does not include sales from this website but it does include all sales you make through my other websites which are all handled through Clickbank.
Just go to Clickbank.com and sign up to become a Clickbank affiliate. It costs nothing. Full guidelines and instructions are provided by Clickbank.
Once you have done this go to the Marketplace and type in In Pursuit Of Profits. This will bring you to my book by that name. Here you will see the commissions you will earn promoting this book and here is where Clickbank will give you a link that will ensure all sales you make using this link are credited to you.
To promote Defy Mediocrity as both an ebook and a 5 CD audio book just type Defy Mediocrity in the Marketplace search box and as outlined above you will see the commissions you will earn per sale and you can get the link you need to promote these products through Clickbank.
Clickbank has a wealth of information available to you to help you become a very successful affiliate of my products as well as any others you may wish to promote.
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Please note the affiliate program does not include sales from this website but it does include all sales you make through my other websites which are all handled through Clickbank.
Just go to Clickbank.com and sign up to become a Clickbank affiliate. It costs nothing. Full guidelines and instructions are provided by Clickbank.
Once you have done this go to the Marketplace and type in In Pursuit Of Profits. This will bring you to my book by that name. Here you will see the commissions you will earn promoting this book and here is where Clickbank will give you a link that will ensure all sales you make using this link are credited to you.
To promote Defy Mediocrity as both an ebook and a 5 CD audio book just type Defy Mediocrity in the Marketplace search box and as outlined above you will see the commissions you will earn per sale and you can get the link you need to promote these products through Clickbank.
Clickbank has a wealth of information available to you to help you become a very successful affiliate of my products as well as any others you may wish to promote.
Thank you.